Scarface – The World Is Yours

Full Name:Scarface – The World Is Yours
Rating:4.2 By 4,760 Peoples
Platform:Nintendo Wii

Scarface – The World Is Yours ROM download is available to play for Nintendo Wii. This Scarface – The World Is Yours game is the US English version at Romsmania exclusively. Download Scarface – The World Is Yours ROM and use it with an emulator. Play online Nintendo Wii games on desktop PC, mobile, and tablets in maximum quality.


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Gameplay of Scarface: The World Is Yours on Nintendo Wii

When it comes to the gameplay of “Scarface: The World Is Yours” on the Nintendo Wii, players are thrown into an immersive experience that combines intense action with strategic empire-building elements. The game presents an alternative universe where Tony Montana, the iconic character from the 1983 movie “Scarface”, survives and seeks to rebuild his criminal empire in Miami. The gameplay is layered, offering various activities, missions, and interactions that make use of the Wii’s unique control scheme.

Controls and Mechanics

The Nintendo Wii version of “Scarface: The World Is Yours” employs the console’s innovative motion controls to bring a new dimension to the game. For instance, aiming and shooting are executed by pointing the Wii Remote at the screen, making combat feel more intuitive and engaging. The Nunchuk is used for movement, allowing players to navigate Tony through the world with ease. Additionally, the game incorporates gesture-based controls for actions such as reloading weapons and driving vehicles, adding a physical aspect to the gameplay that enhances the overall immersion. This marriage of motion controls with traditional gameplay mechanics sets the Wii version apart from its counterparts on other platforms.

Open-World Exploration

One of the highlights of “Scarface: The World Is Yours” is its expansive open-world, meticulously crafted to reflect 1980s Miami. Players are free to explore the city at their leisure, discovering hidden items, engaging in side missions, or simply enjoying the vibrant atmosphere. The game world is rich with detail, from the neon-lit streets of South Beach to the bustling docks of the industrial sector. As Tony Montana, players can interact with a variety of NPCs, purchase properties, and even invest in businesses to launder money and generate income. This open-world exploration aspect not only adds depth to the gameplay but also allows players to fully immerse themselves in the life of a rising crime lord.

Combat System

The combat system in “Scarface: The World Is Yours” is both thrilling and strategic. Players have access to a wide array of weapons, each suited for different situations. The game’s targeting system enables precise aiming, capitalizing on the Wii’s motion controls to deliver a satisfying shooting experience. Additionally, the game introduces the “Balls” meter, which fills up as Tony performs bold actions like taunting enemies. When full, this meter allows players to enter “Blind Rage” mode, where the game switches to a first-person perspective, and Tony becomes temporarily invincible, dealing massive damage. This unique feature not only adds an extra layer of strategy to combat but also encapsulates Tony’s fearless and aggressive personality.

Legacy of Scarface: The World Is Yours

Despite being released over a decade ago, “Scarface: The World Is Yours” has left a lasting legacy in the video game industry, particularly in the gangster and open-world genres. Its unique blend of action, storytelling, and interactive world-building set a precedent for future games in similar genres.

Impact on the Gangster Genre

“Scarface: The World Is Yours” had a significant impact on the gangster genre by proving that a game could successfully blend cinematic storytelling with deep, immersive gameplay. By placing players in the shoes of Tony Montana, a character with a complex moral compass, the game offered a nuanced perspective on the life of a crime lord. Further, its detailed depiction of building a criminal empire from the ground up inspired subsequent gangster-themed games to incorporate similar elements of strategy and empire management. This blend of action and strategy in a gangster setting was relatively novel at the time and has since influenced how stories in this genre are told in video games.

Influence on Open-World Games

“Scarface: The World Is Yours” also made a mark on the broader category of open-world games. Its detailed, living recreation of 1980s Miami, filled with interactive elements, set a high standard for environmental design. The game demonstrated the potential of open worlds as canvases for storytelling, where players’ actions could have tangible effects on the game world. This approach to dynamic, player-driven narratives in an open-world context inspired future games to invest more in the depth and interactivity of their environments. The fusion of narrative depth with open-world exploration in “Scarface: The World Is Yours” has been echoed in countless games since, showcasing its lasting influence on the industry.

Reception and Reviews

Upon its release, “Scarface: The World Is Yours” received positive reviews from both critics and gamers, praising its innovative use of the Wii controls, engaging story, and detailed open world. While some pointed out flaws, such as occasional graphical glitches and a sometimes repetitive mission structure, the game was largely celebrated for its authentic recreation of the “Scarface” universe and its fresh approach to the open-world formula. The use of original actors for voiceovers, including Al Pacino’s likeness for Tony Montana (though not his voice), added an extra layer of authenticity to the experience. Over the years, the game has been regarded as a cult classic, with a dedicated fan base that appreciates its ambitious scope and successful portrayal of Tony Montana’s underworld.

In conclusion, “Scarface: The World Is Yours” on Nintendo Wii offered a groundbreaking gameplay experience that perfectly captured the essence of the iconic film on which it was based. From its intuitive combat system and detailed open-world exploration to its innovative controls, the game left a considerable mark on the video game landscape. Its legacy continues to influence the development of gangster and open-world genres, proving that a well-told story combined with immersive gameplay can create an unforgettable gaming experience.


In wrapping up our journey through the world of “Scarface: The World Is Yours” on Nintendo Wii, it’s clear that this title holds a unique place in the hearts of gamers. Its innovative gameplay, coupled with the strong narrative rooted in the iconic Scarface saga, creates an immersive experience that has stood the test of time. Whether you’re a longtime fan or a newcomer curious about this classic, there’s no denying the lasting legacy “Scarface: The World Is Yours” has left on the gaming world.