Dragon Ball – Origins 2

Full Name: Dragon Ball – Origins 2
Game Size: 42.0MB
Genre: Action, Adventure
Platform: Nintendo DS
Rating: 4.0 Given by 93 Peoples

Dragon Ball: Origins 2 for Nintendo DS ROMs

The Dragon Ball universe has captivated fans for decades with its epic battles, charismatic characters, and compelling narrative. “Dragon Ball: Origins 2” for Nintendo DS dives deep into the origins of this iconic saga, offering players a chance to relive key moments and embark on a thrilling adventure. In this extensive exploration, we’ll dissect the gameplay dynamics, narrative intricacies, and the impact of “Dragon Ball: Origins 2” within the realm of Nintendo DS ROMs.

A Prelude to Power: Understanding the Dragon Ball Universe

Manga to Gameplay:

The Dragon Ball series, created by Akira Toriyama, first found life in manga. Its transition to the gaming world has been marked by various titles across platforms. “Dragon Ball: Origins 2” specifically targets the Nintendo DS audience, blending action, exploration, and storytelling to deliver a comprehensive Dragon Ball experience.

Origins Series:

“Dragon Ball: Origins 2” is part of the “Origins” series, which aims to retell the early adventures of Goku, the series’ protagonist. While the first installment laid the foundation, the sequel builds upon it, introducing new characters, locations, and challenges that contribute to the rich lore of the Dragon Ball universe.

Gameplay Dynamics

Action-Packed Combat:

Central to any Dragon Ball experience is intense, martial arts-inspired combat. “Origins 2” captures this essence with a combat system tailored for the DS. Players execute powerful moves, engage in hand-to-hand combat, and unleash energy blasts using the DS stylus. The touch-based controls provide a unique, immersive feel to the battles, allowing players to channel their inner Saiyan.

Puzzles and Exploration:

Beyond combat, the game incorporates puzzles and exploration elements. Players navigate diverse environments, solve puzzles to unlock new areas, and collect items crucial to the story. This blend of action and cerebral challenges adds depth to the gameplay, ensuring a well-rounded experience.

Playable Characters:

“Origins 2” expands the roster of playable characters beyond Goku. Players can step into the shoes of other iconic figures from the Dragon Ball universe, each with their unique abilities. This diversity enhances gameplay, offering varied combat styles and strategies as players progress through the story.

Narrative Immersion

A Retelling of Saiyan Saga:

The game focuses on the Saiyan Saga, a pivotal arc in the Dragon Ball storyline. From the arrival of Raditz to the climactic battle against Vegeta, “Origins 2” meticulously recreates these events. The narrative unfolds through in-game dialogues, cutscenes, and interactions with other characters, ensuring that players not only participate in but also emotionally connect with the saga.

Character Development:

While staying true to the source material, “Origins 2” provides additional insights and interactions, fleshing out characters beyond what the original manga and anime offered. This attention to character development enriches the storytelling, making the game a treat for both long-time fans and those new to the Dragon Ball universe.

Visual Appeal

Chibi Aesthetics:

“Origins 2” adopts a chibi art style, depicting characters in a cute, miniature form. This departure from the standard Dragon Ball art style adds a playful charm to the game. The chibi aesthetics not only suit the DS platform but also contribute to the lighthearted tone of certain scenes, balancing the overall tone of the game.

Vibrant Environments:

The game showcases vibrant and varied environments, from lush forests to arid deserts. Each location is meticulously designed, capturing the essence of the Dragon Ball world. The visual appeal goes beyond character design, immersing players in a visually stunning representation of Akira Toriyama’s universe.

Quests and Side Missions

Beyond the Main Quest:

“Origins 2” introduces side quests and optional missions that extend beyond the main storyline. These quests provide additional challenges, rewards, and opportunities to explore the Dragon Ball universe. From seeking Dragon Balls to engaging in additional battles, these side missions add layers of gameplay, encouraging players to delve deeper into the game’s world.

Collectibles and Upgrades:

The game incorporates a collectible system where players can gather items, capsules, and Dragon Balls. These collectibles contribute to character upgrades, enhancing abilities and combat prowess. This adds a strategic element to the game, as players must decide how to allocate resources to optimize their characters.

Multiplayer Interaction

Wireless Battles:

“Origins 2” supports multiplayer interaction through wireless battles. Players can engage in combat with friends, showcasing their skills and characters. This multiplayer feature adds a competitive edge to the game, allowing players to test their abilities against human opponents and share the Dragon Ball experience in a social context.

Trading and Collaboration:

The multiplayer component extends beyond battles, incorporating trading and collaboration. Players can exchange items, share collectibles, and collaborate on quests. This cooperative aspect enhances the social dimension of the game, fostering a sense of community among Dragon Ball enthusiasts.

Critical Reception and Legacy

Praise for Innovation:

“Dragon Ball: Origins 2” received praise for its innovative use of the DS hardware, especially the stylus-based controls. The fusion of action, puzzles, and exploration set it apart from other Dragon Ball titles. The game’s commitment to delivering an authentic Dragon Ball experience on a handheld console earned it recognition among fans and critics.

Legacy in Nintendo DS Catalog:

As part of the Nintendo DS catalog, “Origins 2” holds a unique place. While Dragon Ball games have been released on various platforms, the DS entries are remembered for their distinctive gameplay mechanics and portable appeal. The game’s legacy is intertwined with the broader legacy of Dragon Ball in gaming history.

The Dragon Ball: Origins 2 Experience

Nostalgia and Discovery:

For fans of the Dragon Ball series, “Origins 2” offers a nostalgic journey through familiar story arcs. Simultaneously, it provides new perspectives and details that enhance the overall narrative. For those new to Dragon Ball, the game serves as a gateway, introducing key characters and events in an accessible format.


The inclusion of side quests, collectibles, and multiplayer features contributes to the game’s replayability. Players can revisit the Dragon Ball universe, try different characters, and engage in varied challenges with each playthrough. The blend of action and RPG elements ensures that the game remains engaging even after completing the main storyline.

In Conclusion

“Dragon Ball: Origins 2” for Nintendo DS ROMs stands as a testament to the versatility of the Dragon Ball universe in the gaming realm. By combining engaging gameplay, narrative depth, and innovative use of DS features, the game successfully captures the spirit of the series. As a title that both honors its source material and pushes the boundaries of handheld gaming, “Origins 2” remains a noteworthy entry in the extensive library of Dragon Ball games. Whether you’re a seasoned Saiyan warrior or a newcomer to the Dragon Ball saga, this game invites you to embark on an unforgettable adventure through the realms of martial arts, exploration, and the enduring power of the Dragon Balls.